Photos by Patricia Relf Hanavan

1)The real mayor of Vergons is Sallie (pronounced Sall-EE), who lives with Claude and helps in the garden and restaurant but really covers the whole town. Intelligent and sympathetic, as interested and patient with small children as with the elderly. A champion boar hunter, too, almost killed when one fell on her. Sallie has been placed in our pantheon of all time great dogs.2) Prosper and Nicole, Michel's sister, gave a Fourth of July celebration for the Americans. A local Gypsy chanteuse with Che Guevara on her guitar sang wonderful songs, and Whiskey, part corgi, part sheltie, part God knows what and all adorable played quietly or napped at her feet.
3) The path up La Chamatte.

4) Wild boar, sanglier, running from dogs in a non-lethal boar hunt. Pat aimed at the first and caught the second on camera. Like the bear, you know it's really a forest and not just a tree park when there are wild boar present. Endured much contempt because I was the one who really wanted to see a wild boar, and everyone else kept tripping over them. I finally saw a group at dusk with seven striped and spotted infants. It would do a lot of Americans a world of good to have a potentially dangerous animal in their midst.

5) Local fossil hunt: myself, Dick Anson, Louise and Michael S. Lots of ammonites but no really big ones.
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