Let us regard this day in a more positive light. It may be that the president has suspended habeas corpus because his followers are too inept to get a conviction any other way.
The worst president in the history of the republic gave himself the power Tuesday to "arrest" persons on American soil and throw them into dungeons indefinitely. He also reinstituted the use of coerced testimony in court, for the first time since the Salem witch trials.
The last time habeas corpus was suspended by a president, Abraham Lincoln was faced with armed insurrection on American soil. Even Roosevelt's imprisonment of the California Japanese was later found to be unjust, without due process, and restitution paid.
On Tuesday, the United States of America was overthrown in a bloodless coup by its least worthy student, a "monstre sacre" spawned by its own excesses.
I can't tell you how upset the passage and signing of this law has made me.
In my government class, I proposed that the law was nothing more than a poorly developed election year flash and that it would inevitably be overturned by the Supreme Court. I told my class that. I found myself wondering if I believed it.
Studying the Smith Act, The Sedition Acts, and other acts that have challenged the right to dissent, I can try and look at this law objectively as part of the pendulum swing. Unfortunately, I remember a quote.."A tree will only bend so much in a wind before it finally breaks." The constitution has been pretty flexible. But still...
I know "the people pretty much get the government they deserve", but godDAMN, do they have to drag the rest of us down with them?
By the way, speaking out DeVos....
did you see the new television commercial where his daughter does the narrative? I keep expecting Paris Hilton to do endorsements for him.
Hell, I might respect him then.
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