I wish humans were benevolent enough to Use This Power Only For Good, but then I know that the military began this line of thought in order to create robotic soldiers. We 're not the only ones; Israel is working on a nanotech "hornet" like the hunter-seeker in DUNE, and Lord knows what the Chinese will get up to.
Reginald Hudlin, in his fine revival of the Black Panther, posits a US fighting force that uses dead soldiers as cybernetically controlled fighting zombies, and I suppose that would be next.

"If men were angels," James Madison says, "no government would be necessary." My students hear that phrase constantly as an explanation for the Constitution and my sad-but-true refutation of the anarchist dream. Now it seems we need to leash engineers and physicians who use their dark art to hurt rather than heal.

* Five bucks says that warning inspires someone to read the story for the sole purpose of being offended.
1 comment:
Are you trying to make me crazy? This sort of stuff always gets my dander up.
I remember reading an article about nanobots. Something about releasing nanobots into the air of a factory when workers are present, using the nanobots to stimulate the brain so that the workers are more productive.
Nineteen Eighty Four wasn't possible in Nineteen Eighty Four, but I don't know if we can say that in Two Zero Twenty Four.
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